
駁徐巧芯幫「喬利息」…婆婆不忍了發3點聲明 再有不實指控將提告

紐時賞析/15年高利潤上升期結束 矽谷知名創投業者紛紛退出


Venture Capital Is Seeing A Generational Adjustment

矽谷創投業者 今面臨世代交替

Reid Hoffman, a founder of LinkedIn and a longtime venture capitalist, is no longer the public face of the venture firm Greylock. Michael Moritz, a force at Sequoia Capital for 38 years, officially separated from the investment firm last summer. And Jeff Jordan, a top investor at Andreessen Horowitz for 12 years, left in May.


They are among the most recognizable of a generation of Silicon Valley investors who are getting out of venture capital at the end of a lucrative 15-year upswing for the industry.


Many more are leaving. Investors at Tiger Global, Paradigm, Lightspeed Venture Partners, Emergence Capital and Spark Capital have all announced plans to step back. Foundry Group, a venture firm in Boulder, Colorado, that has backed 200 companies since 2006, said in January that it would not raise another fund.


Taken together, the steady thrum of departures has created a sense that venture capital — a $1.1 trillion corner of finance that invests in young, private companies, sometimes spawning enterprises such as Apple, Google and Amazon — is in a moment of transition.


“We’re at a tipping point,” said Alan Wink, a managing director of capital markets at EisnerAmper, which provides advisory services to venture capital firms. While there have been waves of retirements in the past, he said this one was more pronounced.


The turnover creates an opening for new investors to step up, potentially shifting who the power players are in Silicon Valley. That may also change the calculus for young companies as they decide which venture firms to seek money from.


Yet the latest generation of investors faces a startup investment landscape that has become more challenging. Few venture capital funds are reaping the kinds of enormous windfalls — which come from startups going public or being bought — that can secure an investor’s reputation.


Today’s up-and-coming venture capitalists are waiting for their version of those winners. Some of the most highly valued startups — such as OpenAI, the artificial intelligence company valued at $86 billion — are in no hurry to go public or sell. And the frenzy around generative AI could take years to translate into big wins.


“We’re in this period of reset, based on where the technology is and where it’s going,” said David York, an investor at Top Tier Capital, which invests in other venture capital firms. “These stars will emerge.”

投資其他創投公司的Top Tier Capital投資者約克說,「我們正處於重置時期,取決於技術現狀跟發展方向。這些明星將會出現」。

文/Erin Griffith 譯/周辰陽

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