
竹聯幫信義區夜店利益保衛戰 黃少岑欽點「大阿忠」重掌忠堂


農地黑「膜」法:焚燒、掩埋與棄置 廢塑膠亂象直擊

Love Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City Government's bimonthly English magazine, introduces the city's major public construction projects, economic development, tourism information, art exhibitions, agricultural products and diverse cuisines. As the City of Kaohsiung continually evolves, Love Kaohsiung hopes to introduce the prevailing topics and ideas in town. When visiting Kaohsiung, travelers will meet lavish hospitality, the core essence of Kaohsiung and enticing them to come back.

Love Kaohsiung

Love Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City Government's bimonthly English magazine, introduces the city's major public construction projects, economic development, tourism information, art exhibitions, agricultural products and diverse cuisines. As the City of Kaohsiung continually evolves, Love Kaohsiung hopes to introduce the prevailing topics and ideas in town. When visiting Kaohsiung, travelers will meet lavish hospitality, the core essence of Kaohsiung and enticing them to come back.



Photos by Carter

Community Revitalization along Provincial Highway 17

Top 100 Young Fishers Jhang Bo-ren: From a Fisherman to an Entrepreneur  Kaohsiung's Mituo District(彌陀區), which has the sea on one side and Tadi Mountain(漯底山)on another, is regarded as a land of treasure by Jhang Bo-ren(張博仁), a third-generation local aquaculturist. With a background in clinical nutrition and bioengineering, he has improved the aquaculture environment and now promotes ecological aquaculture using pristine water without chemical additives.

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撮影/Carter  写真提供/餘香咖啡

「台17線」 高雄海岸線沿いの地方再生物語

漁業界の若きリーダー 張博仁さん ~漁師から起業家へ~  高雄市弥陀区は西を海岸線、南を漯底山に接する町で、当地の養殖漁者の三代目である張博仁さんにとっては宝物のような場所である。臨床栄養学とバイオテクノロジーを専門とする彼は養殖環境を改善し、自然の生態系を守るための工夫を凝らした海水養殖を推進している。また、21~25歳を中心とする若年漁師チーム「漁人隊」で後進の育成にあたり、若き漁師たちの起業をサポートする「漁創客」を立ち上げた。張博仁さんの運営するカフェ「餘香咖啡」も観光客に大人気だ。こうした取り組みは弥陀区の経済に貢献し、就業機会を増やしている。

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Photo by Carter

Enjoy an Ecological Tour in Liouguei

Eighteen Arhats Mountain Natural Humanities Association supports small farmers and promotes environmental education  The Eighteen Arhats Mountain Natural Humanities Association(十八羅漢山自然人文協會)is helping local residents to receive professional training and certification, so they can provide guided tours, in-depth travel, and environmental education services in this protected area in Kaohsiung's Liouguei District.

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Photo by Carter

Exploring Shoushan by Light Rail

 Exploring Kaohsiung's Pier-2 Art Center by light rail is becoming increasingly popular. People have also begun to enjoy the convenience of taking the light rail to Gushan Station and then going for a scenic stroll along the Kaohsiung Canal riverbank. The trailhead is located across the parking lot

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Photos by Hsu Pei-hung

Kaohsiung Spring Arts Festival

 Kaohsiung Spring Arts Festival(高雄春天藝術節)this year celebrates its 15th anniversary, taking everyone on a journey into the world of performing arts from now until July. With a focus on approaching the public, the festival presents upward of 29 local and international performances, totaling more than 50 shows.

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Photo by Carter

Discover the Duona Tribe in Maolin

 In the winter months, captivating clouds and mist drape the lush mountains, creating a picturesque and uniquely charming backdrop for the Duona(多納部落)village. Tucked away within this enchanting scenery is the renowned "Yi Shan Mu Coffee House(一山沐咖啡屋). Here, visitors can indulge in a pour-over coffee, savoring the rich aroma and the cultural ambiance of the Duona tribe.

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Photo courtesy of Nibun Chorus

Nibun Chorus Shines Again on the International Stage

 In July 2023, the Nibun Chorus(尼布恩合唱團)from Kaohsiung's Liouguei District(六龜)was awarded its second Gold Medal at the World Choir Games(世界合唱大賽)in the open competition. The members, mostly from the Pingpu and Bunun tribes, performed original works adapted from ancient tribal melodies. Their first gold medal was also at the World Choir Games in 2018.

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郷土への愛 ~六亀の美しい風景~

「十八羅漢山生態協会」 地元農家の支援と環境教育の推進  地元住民で構成される「十八羅漢山自然人文協会」では、専門的な訓練と認証を経たガイドにより、自然保護区の案内やテーマのある旅行、環境教育サービスを提供している。メンバーは定期的に山を巡回し、希少植物である田代氏鼠尾草を見つけたり、違法行為を通報し、違法伐採グループの逮捕に協力したりしたこともある。自然保護区の管理監督を地元住民が担い、生態ツアーを営む稀有な事例として、2023年には高雄市の環境教育優等賞を受賞した。

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山郷から世界の舞台へ 「ニブン合唱団」

 2023年7月、高雄六亀区のニブン合唱団が、平埔族とブヌン族の古謡をもとに創作した曲を歌い、「世界合唱大会」(World Choir Games)オープンコンペティション部門でみごと金賞を受賞した。同合唱団にとって、2018年に続く二度目の金賞受賞である。

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